Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Budo Training is not intended to make strong people out of weak people. The only people who will thrive in Budo are already strong. They are strong where it counts most: in the spirit.

No amount of Budo training can make a weak spirit strong. It can only refine, temper, and shape a strong spirit. Budo training is not unlike the process of taking iron -- good, raw material -- and creating first steel and then shaping it into a fine sword.

Too much Budo training in today's world starts with aluminum and merely produces cheap, ornamental wall-hangers like you can buy on eBay for $39.95. It may look like a sword, but looks are deceiving. This is wasted Budo.

My sword is meant to pierce illusion and cut through ego.

Thank you for spending time with the Antagonistic Buddha.

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