Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Great Sage Returns

We are overcome with joy! The Antagonistic Buddha; the Great Sage, has returned from his mission. I, Deshi, shall report now.

Sunday evening, our meal was interrupted by the tolling of our great bell -- the Bell of Lost Souls. The other neophytes and I straightened in our seats at the peel of the deep, hollow sound. We knew the bell announced the return of our beloved and revered master, the Antagonistic Buddha.

We rushed like a tide out of the student's mess. We were a wave of saffron colored robes and grey samue work garb. Bouncing down the stone staircase, I was buffeted on all sides by other neophytes eager to catch a glimpse of the returning Great Sage. I could see the revered one past a pillar. The Antagonistic Buddha was standing in the middle of the clustered masters. He was smiling and laughing with them. We all cheered as the neophytes poured into the courtyard. The Great Sage threw down his traveling staff and waved both hands in the air to greet us in return. Some of the advanced students surged forward and lifted the Antagonistic Buddha on their shoulders and swept him into the dojo. That was the last I saw of him on Sunday.

The Antagonistic Buddha was waiting for us in the dojo when we reported for practice on Monday morning. He reminded us that practice must be serious, our intentions pure and focused, and our attention unwavering. Our masters have always been clear that our training is not intended to produce hot house flowers that have been cultivated for aesthetic beauty. We are more like working dogs being groomed to perform special service.

Someday we will be directed to serve beyond our community. Even as I ponder my own future service; I wonder what calamity required the direct intervention of the Antagonistic Buddha himself.

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