Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Power of Myth

The empty cup is before us. You expect me to pour tea, but I shake my head. Today we will drink of a different beverage. It is good to have variety...

Every trade has its own myths and legends. Soldiers tell war stories. Sailors talk of storms and mermaids. Salesmen tell of fast-talkers who could sell shoes to a double amputee. There is truth in these stories, even when they are fiction.

I pour sake into your cup...

Once upon a time there was an old kung fu master who wanted to settle the issue of who would inherit his school. He had two students of equal caliber and he could not decide which one was worthy of being the next master. He settled upon a test to determine who would inherit the mantle.

He called the two students to him in the garden. He explained to them his dilemma and then described his test: the title of master would go to the student who could first draw an animal the master could recognize.

Each student grabbed a stick and found a dirt patch. The first student drew an oval head and then traced a trailing "S" on the ground. He proudly looked down at his snake and thought to call the master over. But then he noticed the second student was still hard at work on his own drawing.

Concerned that perhaps his snake was not recognizable enough, he started scratching some additional squiggles for legs onto his snake. As the first student moved to start the front legs, the second student threw down his stick and showed the master his finished drawing.

The master proclaimed the second student as the new master. Then he approached the first student and asked, "Why were you drawing legs on your snake?"

Surprised, the student answered, "I was afraid you wouldn't recognize it, so I was turning it into a lizard."

"So," said the master, "your hesitation today has cost you the title of master."

That's enough for you today. Let us drink again another day.

Thank you for spending time with the Antagonistic Buddha.

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