Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Many others stumble along this way because they are cognizant only of the "bu"-element of the word "bugeisha." They know their study is of the "martial," the arts if war and conflict. But a true bugeisha is also a person (sha) trying to transform the arts of battle (bu-) into a study of beauty and universal truths, or "gei." Very few martial artists, even in Japan, grow mature enough at such an early age to attain this realization. The flash and color of tournaments, of fleeting notoriety, of stardom and glamour, capture them and lead them astray. -- Wayne Muromoto.

He who hesitates, meditates in the horizontal position. -- Ed Parker

At some point, I fully intend to compete in a bat'leth tournament. We'll see if there's anyone who does love steel combat because that's what us Klingons do. -- Quoted for "awesomeness" from

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